Sit Still, Child.

Don’t move, child.
Sit still.
So you don’t fall over
And hit your head.

Don’t stand, child.
Sit still.
I’m older, bigger and wiser.
My eyes are enough for both of us.
There is no need
for you to be on your feet.

Don’t walk, child.
Sit still at home.
Let me do all you want, for you.
You don’t need to see the world.
It’s bad, wicked and cruel.


Don’t fly, child.
Sit still.
You don’t need to leave the nest.
My wings are big enough for two.
You don’t need to see the world beyond.

Sit still, child.
Let me live my life through you.
I know the world better than you.
Don’t tell me it’s changing.
Do what I tell you to,
And all will be well.

– for those who are
not allowed to fly.


  1. Poetry is the doorway to the soul.It speaks through words.There are different ways to describe this piece,but I’ll use one word ‘spectacular’.


  2. Yet Benji is always telling his nine-year-old sis not to grow up too fast…cos’ he thinks the world is a ‘dane-jarus’ place!🙈🙈


What do you think?