For The Fruits Of The Loins.

We will be fine.
We will.
And if we end up together,
This one, I’m not so sure of.
But a tiny voice at the back
Of my head keeps whispering it.

But if we do
I want them to have your heart
So they can love without condition
And never know how to hold a grudge.
They can have my mind
So they can be tough and firm
And say no, and mean it.

Oh dear,
If the forces will us to be
I want them to have your spirit
So they can bend and rise
And never stay down.
They can have my soul
So they can be fierce and passionate
And never give up.


But darling,
If The One above says we shall be,
I want them to have your patience
So they can understand that life is
But a gradual process
And let the things that will be, be.
They can have my boldness
So they can stand
with heads raised high
And be courageous in the face of adversity.

Oh dear,
If the universe makes our path, one.
I want them to have your eyes
Those little brown beautiful orbs
That seem to have their own kind of light
They can have my lips.
Ah. Yes. I know what you think of them
I think the same as well.

But darling,
If the one who controls our fates says we will be,
I want them to kind like you
and calm like me.
I want them to thirst for
The Father like you and
take time to ponder about
The Father’s creation like me.

I want them to be all these and
So much more,
If He wishes us to be.


  1. I imagined you reading this on a podium. In an over sized T-shirt and faded jeans with no make up on and the lines were just dropping.

    Go girl. Totally loved it.

    Liked by 1 person

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